Packing For Your First Ski Trip

Packing For Your First Ski Trip

Skiing is a little bit like Marmite; you either love it or you hate it. It’s fairly uncommon to find people that hate skiing, but they do exist somewhere. Heading off on your very first ski trip can be a little bit daunting; however, these helpful tips should have you enjoying your trip like a seasoned pro on the slopes. Here are some of the most essential items to pack for you skiing holidays Flaine.

Ski Gear

Some people are under the common misconception that you need to take all your own brand new equipment with you, skis, boots and poles. Unless, somehow you psychically know that you’re going to be amazing and will be skiing for years to come, there’s absolutely no need to invest in all the gear before your very first holiday.

Rental shops offer very good rates for all the necessary equipment, and if you book it in advance you can often get newer gear for the best prices possible.

What you definitely do need to bring with you is good quality, warm clothing.

Base Layers

The importance of base layers cannot be stressed enough, they are a god-send when it’s cold on the slopes and you’re the person who’s known for feeling the cold a lot. You can find good quality base layers at most outdoor shops and they will make such a big difference to your enjoyment on the slopes.


Take a good range of mid-layers, including; t-shirts, fleeces and hoodies. It’s better  you can use a luggage shipping company to send your ski gear ahead to have more of a selection so you can gauge what you need to dress according to the conditions on the slopes.

Jacket And Pants

A good quality ski jacket and pants are essential on the slopes. You need something that will keep you warm, whilst also being breathable and convenient. You’ll be doing a lot of physical exercise all day long, so you’re going to get a little bit sweaty if you don’t have clothes with decent airflow.

It’s also good to have a jacket with a snow skirt – this is a belt that is inside the jacket which buttons up tightly to stop any snow getting inside your jacket if you happen to fall over. Sorry to break it to you, as a novice skier, you’ll be falling over a fair bit so this is really useful.

Socks And Gloves

Don’t neglect the extremities! Proper ski socks not only keep your feet warm, but make uncomfortable ski boots a bit more bearable. Invest in a pair of good, warm gloves – they’ll make all the difference when it’s chilly.


Unfortunately, these aren’t usually available for hire at the resorts, so picking up a cheaper pair at home is advisable. Goggles are essential for protecting your eyes from the harsh UV rays, but they can also help you to see in snowy or rainy conditions.

Suncream And Spf Lip Balm

This might seem a little weird if you’ve never been on a skiing holiday before, but trust me you’ll absolutely regret not having them if you get a week of sunshine on the slopes. The combination of the altitude and the reflection from the snow, means that the sun can be really powerful. You’ll probably see a few people walking around the resort with wonderful goggle tans!

So, now you know the basics of what you need to pack and take with you for your first skiing holiday Flaine, all that’s left is to hit the slopes and have a great holiday!